Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mary Cummins on Indy Bay :: Latest Alias Update -- James John Kennedy!

Mary Cummins new article about Ed Boks :: Alias Update "James John Kennedy"
Psycho stalker Mary Cummins is at it again. Another "article" on one of Mary Cummins favorite animal haunts, Indy Bay Media. This time, Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is posting as author "James Kennedy" a man so "passionate" about animal causes that a Google search for James Kennedy + animals turns up NOTHING. Does Mary Cummins think everyone is as stupid as she is?

Latest Haunt:
Indy Bay Media

Latest fake email address
(and you're gonna love this)

Latest link:

Latest Obsession:
Same old same old

Our best guess is that Mary Cummins has so little credibility that she has to resort to calling herself John Kennedy!

Stay tuned. We'll have more of this later.
Posted by Mary Cummins is the LA Cyberstalker at 10:55 PM 0 comments

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